Meghna Cement Mills PLC.
In response to the rapidly changing global trends MCMPLC endeavors to focus on developing intangible assets basing maximize corporate value of the Group. Our aims and objectives are to serve the people with maximum satisfaction; ultimately which will denote vital role for economical development of Bangladesh. As a result, multi professional groups are being sustained peacefully along with happiness. In this respect political stability will be required.
Today’s knowledge based World, competitiveness is determined by the possession of intelligent employees, the most valuable intangible assets. Keeping this in mind we have adopted suitable Management Policy and to culture the growth of Human Resources, those who are playing vital role in economical development of Bangladesh. As a result we have to grow bigger, stronger and better every day for serving people and the country.
Bangladesh being one of the densely populated countries in the world, our standard of life, communication, industrial and agricultural growth etc. has not been remarkably developed. As such employment opportunity has not been satisfactorily improved. Bashundhara Group is playing significant role by creating employment opportunity for hundreds of young generation through Industrialization.
The main objective is efficient customer services, ensure quality product. As a result these products also reached to their doorstep within short time.
On the basis of priority MCMPLC also produces various types of quality cement as per customer’s desire want and needs. We are able to produce any type of quality cement and maintain proper standardization, using modern equipment for laboratory testing which ensure the quality.
Since inception we are actively contributing to the national as well as global economy by way of effective utilization of human resource using raw materials, producing and marking high quality product at most competitively prices and creating employment opportunities.
We mark all endeavors to utilize our financial resources efficiently and the right opportunities arise, we invest in fruitful areas with strong market position and high growth potential for realization of a better future. We continue our efforts to improve performance and increase contribution towards socio economic development of this beloved earth.
Meghna Cement Mills PLC. do lot of charity activities for the betterment of people as well as society. MCMPLC is running/patronizing a Madrasha cum School for about 250 nos. Under privileged students of Apa Bari, Digraj, Mongla, Bagerhat area. In case of natural disaster like Cidor/Aila, MCMPLC bestowed significant volume of warm clothes, medicine, dry food, removing saline water from pond and financial assistances. On the different national memorable day like Victory Day, 21st February, Independent Day, May Day etc. MCMPLC donated sewing machine, financial assistance to freedom fighter and others through Thana & District administration. Cement sacks and cash payment are also bestowed for construction of different Mosque, School, Mondir, Madrasha etc.